Stuffed Peppers with Rice and Black Beans with Cashew-based Cheese Sauce
Kyan Cuisine
Noté 5.0 toilets par 3 visiteur
6 servings (12 pepper halves)
Preparation Time
1 hour and 30 minutes
Des poivrons farcis au riz, haricots noirs, épinards, sauce tomate-basilic aux épices mexicaines. Il vous suffit d’ajouter la sauce au fromage à base de noix de cajou et le tour est joué. Servir avec la salsa locale de Mom's Salsa, a local salsa!
1.5 cups of basmati rice
3 cups of water
½ teaspoon of salt
½ tablespoon of olive oil
6 peppers
1 cup of fresh spinach
½ cup of finely chopped Spanish onion
1 can of basil-tomato sauce (650 ml)
2 minced garlic cloves
1 can of black beans (540 ml)
2 tablespoons of chili powder
1 tablespoon of cumin
1 teaspoon of salt
1 teaspoon of pepper
½ cup of cashews, soaked in water for a minimum of 12 hours
165 g of peeled and chopped sweet potatoes
½ cup + 2 tablespoons of nutritional yeast
½ cup + 2 tablespoons of water (see note)
½ tablespoon of lemon juice
½ teaspoon of salt
2 teaspoons of chili powder
1 teaspoon of onion powder
1 teaspoon of garlic powder
Ingredients for Rice :
Ingredients for Stuffed Peppers :
Ingrédients pour sauce fromage à base de cajou : (voir note)
Step 1: Cook Rice
Rinse rice in cold water.
In a pan, add rice, water, salt, and oil.
Bring to a boil. Then lower heat and simmer for 15 to 20 minutes with the lid on.
Step 2:
Meanwhile, boil the sweet potatoes for the cheese sauce. They are ready when a fork easily passes through. Make sure the cashews have been soaked, otherwise see notes for quicker option.
Step 3:
Open the can of black beans and rinse well using a strainer. Set aside.
Step 4: Make the mixture for the stuffed peppers:
In a pan, on medium heat, sauté the garlic and onions for about 5 minutes.
When the onions are translucent, add the cooked rice (about 5 cups), basil-tomato sauce, black beans, and spices. Mix well and cook for 5 minutes.
Incorporate the spinach into the mixture. Once wilted, the filling is ready.
Cut the pepper in half, lengthwise. Remove the stem and seeds from the peppers.
Put ½ cup of filling in each pepper half.
Step 5:
Bake the stuffed peppers for 20 to 25 minutes at 350 degrees.
Étape 6 :
Pendant que les piments farcis sont au four, faire la sauce fromage à base de cajou
Mix all ingredients in a blender until smooth and uniform. See note for consistency with water.
Recipe Note
Meal Assembly :
Serve two stuffed peppers per plate and pour a generous amount of cheese sauce. You can serve the cheese sauce hot or cold. Simply reheat in a small saucepan on the stove over low heat or in the microwave. Serve with Mom's Salsa!
Notes and Tips:
- Cajou : If you don't have time to soak the cashews in water for a minimum of 12 hours, you can boil the cashews for 20 minutes in a pot on the stove. Make sure to use a lot of water since cashews absorb water very quickly.
- Water in cheese sauce: Pour la sauce fromage, vous pouvez ajuster la quantité d’eau selon votre préférence de consistance.
Amazing recipe… thank you for sharing