Nacho Night!
Kyan Cuisine
Noté 4.0 toilets par 3 visiteur
4 to 6 people
Preparation Time
1 hour
Quoi de mieux qu'un vendredi soir en bonne compagnie? Un plateau de nachos végétalien! Bourré de saveurs, ce repas contient notre fameux mix à tacos, la sauce fromagée à base de cajou avec des produits locaux : la Salsa Mom’s et les croustilles de maïs Los Cantores.
1 large sweet potato, cut into dice-sized pieces
1 tablespoon of oil of your choice
½ tablespoon of chili powder
A pinch of salt (about ⅛ teaspoon)
1 garlic clove
120 g of walnuts
1 cup of canned lentils (about ½ can of 540 mL)
2 teaspoons of chili powder
1 teaspoon of onion powder
1 teaspoon of cumin
1 teaspoon of oregano
½ teaspoon of salt
2 tablespoons of oil of your choice
½ cup of cashews, soaked in water for a minimum of 12 hours (see note)
165 g of boiled sweet potato cubes
½ cup + 2 tablespoons of nutritional yeast
½ cup + 2 tablespoons of water
½ tablespoon of lemon juice
½ teaspoon of salt
2 teaspoons of chili powder
1 teaspoon of onion powder
1 teaspoon of garlic powder
Peppers, diced
One onion, finely chopped
Other ingredients you crave!
Ingredients for roasted potatoes:
Ingredients for roasted potatoes:
Ingredients for the cashew-based cheese sauce: (see note)
Toppings for nachos: (see note)
Préparer les patates rôties
Preheat the oven to 355 F on convection.
n a bowl, put the potatoes, oil, chili powder, and salt. Mix well so that all the spices and oil are well distributed.
Spread the potatoes on a parchment paper-lined baking sheet.
Bake in the oven for about 20 minutes, making sure to turn the potatoes after 10 minutes.
Once the potatoes are cooked, remove from the oven. A fork should be able to easily insert into the largest pieces of potatoes. The smaller pieces should be visibly roasted. Let cool.
Preparing the taco mix:
Put the garlic in a food processor and blend until finely chopped.
Add the walnuts and lentils, blend to give a granular texture.
Empty into a bowl, add the spices and oil to the nut and lentil mixture, and mix well.
Préparer la sauce fromage à base de cajou
Remove the cashews from the water using a strainer.
Mix all ingredients in a blender until the texture is smooth and uniform. See note for consistency with water.
Recipe Note
Assembling the nacho platter:
On a baking sheet, spread the corn chips. Distribute the taco mix, cooked potatoes, vegetables, and other ingredients of your choice. Finally, pour half of the cashew-based cheese sauce over the nachos. Bake in the oven for 10 minutes.
Serve hot with the remaining sauce and enjoy!
Notes and Tips:
-Cajou : Si vous n’avez pas le temps de tremper les cajous dans l’eau pour un minimum de 12h, vous pouvez faire bouillir les cajous pour 20 minutes dans une marmite sur le four. Mettre beaucoup d’eau puisque les cajous absorbent l’eau très rapidement.
-Water in cashew cheese sauce : Pour la sauce de cajou, vous pouvez ajuster la quantité d’eau selon votre préférence de consistance désirée.
-Nachos toppings: Pendant la soirée nachos, vous pouvez ajouter ce que vous voulez… Olives, ananas, maïs, haricots noirs, etc. Soyez créatifs! Partagez votre version avec nous!
-Salsa: Nous vous recommandons de servir la salsa une fois que les nachos soient cuits, afin d’assurer qu'ils soient croustillants!